We’re All In This Together

The process of salvation may seem like an exclusively personal one, after all, it does begin with an individual decision. The gift of prevenient grace empowers each individual to engage with the Holy Spirit and experience justifying grace. The community may be present but is not necessary for the initial decision to take place. Since the process begins with an individual the natural tendency is for human beings to believe that the journey will follow suit. 

On the contrary, the individual act that often comes when one figuratively and/or literally bows the knee before a mighty God is not only the beginning of a relationship with God but a relationship with all of God’s sons and daughters.  

After one takes the leap and accepts the justification of Jesus Christ, the process of sanctifying grace begins. The amazing thing about this plan is that God does not intend for each believer to grow individually. This communal sanctifying grace is the spreading of life, light, and growth to one another. While one can grow individually in sanctifying grace, the process of growth is must greater within the context of community. One helps another to learn to study, worship, pray, and fish for men. 

Specific means of grace contribute to the communal growth experience. As time goes on a perfect picture of cooperative growth perpetrates a deeper level of commitment to Christ, a journey in holiness. Mutual accountability, Bible study, and communal engagement in acts of mercy all paint a metaphorical picture of the process of corporate sanctifying grace.

The journey may start with one person experiencing justification and new birth, but it continues with the Body of Christ learning and growing together. That mystery of kingdom math reveals the greatness and intended plan of an intentional and communal God. 

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